What does the Full Moon in Sagittarius bring you?
The full moon in Sagittarius in the Nakshatra of Purva Ashadha is deeply connected to your emotions as this Nakshatra represents the ocean. Depending on your placements in your birth chart, this super full moon which is very close to the Earth, will have a respective effect on you. Fears might come up that are ready to be released now and your dreams can be very intense. The Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is all about connecting with the Divine and showing devotion to your teachers and Gurus. Any sort of spiritual practice will benefit you especially during this time! If you suffer from extreme anxiety or fears at this time it is advisable to chant the following Mantra 108 times every morning: Hare Rama Krishna.
The following Tarot readings are meant to guide you towards what it is for you to dive deeper with on this full moon. This should be read especially from your Vedic moon sign as well as your ascendant!

This full moon invites you to let go of hopelessness and negativity. It is time to face the reality of a situation and trust the Universe that everything will turn out the way it is supposed to. Letting go of any emotions that feel uncomfortable now will bring in a new beginning for you!

At this time it is important for you to stick to what you're doing and let go of what or who is no longer in alignment with you. Maybe you need to get rid of habits or even people who aren't serving your greater good. It's a good time to be alone and spend time with yourself and with your emotions!

Gemini ♊️
Things might come to a close and you might be facing a major change in your life (or emotions). It's time to trust in a higher power and pursue your dreams. Take action and make your dreams come true! A message might come to you that will guide you in the right direction.

Cancer ♋️
Is there anything you want to change in your life? Now is the perfect time to grab that opportunity and do things differently. You need to believe in yourself and things will work out for you! It's your time to shine brightly and show the world your skills!

Leo ♌️
This full moon encourages you to be creative and bring your ideas into action. Whether you work together with others or you co-create with Spirit, this is a good time to take a risk and keep putting in the hard work - it is going to pay off in the long run!

Virgo ♍️
The energy of this full moon invites you to be of service and to get your life in order (if needed). It's a good time to drop what no longer serves you, especially negative thoughts and fears. Allow yourself to be more playful in what needs to be done to overcome blockages and lack of energy!

Libra ♎️
This is the perfect time to end conflicts and sadness. Letting go of who or what has hurt you in the past will lead to resolutions once and for all. The process of letting go (especially emotionally) will help you manifest your dreams into existence, even if it might take some time before you see results! Keep going!

Scorpio ♏️
What a powerful energy this full moon brings you! You are following your visions and are very successful in what you're doing. If you take a risk, stick to what you're doing and put in the work you will reap fulfillment and abundance! You're on the right track!

Sagittarius ♐️
You're shooting sharp and aiming at your goal - and it's very close at hand! The Universe wants you to be playful and weird in your own authentic way. Changing your perspective and doing things differently will help you get where you want to go!

Capricorn ♑️
It's important to stay focussed on what you want to achieve right now. If you want to manifest love and abundance, you need to let go of emotions and blockages that don't serve you. Sit with yourself and take a closer look at where you need to open up more and get rid of resistance.

Aquarius ♒️
What you want wants you, Aquarius! The full moon invites you to bring your life back into balance and put your dreams and plans into action. You are manifesting your dreams if you stay focussed on already having what you desire!

Pisces ♓️
Anything is possible on this powerful full moon! The Universe invites you to drop your heavy burdens and make a decision from your heart. Just know there is no right or wrong decision ... any decision will be a path forward! When you get in tune with your emotions, you will know what to do!