In 2023, all four slow moving planets are changing sign (and house) which will lead to significant changes in all of our lives. SATURN moved into its own Moola Trikona sign of Aquarius on Jan 17th and is very strong and auspicious here. Saturn in your 12th house will bring life changes, even though they might not be clear to you beforehand. It's all about where you want to be in life. Friends and network circles will play an important role for you this year. Your income streams will get better slowly but surely while you might have more expenses on the other hand. Saturn in your 12th house will also deepen your spiritual inclinations as well as foreign travels.
JUPITER will be in your 1st house where it will bring you a lot of hope. You can come across a Guru, mentor or teacher of some sort who will give you good advice. It can make you over-indulge, so be careful with food and drink! Generally, your health will be good though as Jupiter supports you here. With its aspects, Jupiter supports pregnancy and child birth, education, relationships, travel and spiritual pursuits.
When Jupiter moves into your 2nd house on the 22nd of April 2023, it will bring you very positive results with your finances and family. For you, income and savings will get increased during this transit. Also, there can be new job opportunities and your family will greatly support you in all matters. The conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu in your 2nd house from April to November will bring changes in your job situation or in the way you will do things in your current work. For some of you there might be an inheritance as well. As far as your health is concerned, Jupiter will bring some relief to existing health issues. But be careful with your nutrition cause there could be digestive problems if you don't eat properly! As you will have a lot of your plate job-wise also watch out for your stress levels!
RAHU and KETU will be in your 2nd and 8th house. Rahu in the 2nd house brings your focus onto financial security and your family. It is likely that you need to sort out your financial situation or support your family. Expenses can get high and you might need to cut them out as far as possible. This generally is a decluttering phase that will make you sort out things that no longer belong into your life. Also, some people might leave your life during this transit. Changing your health routine can be very beneficial for you now if you have suffered from health issues. Rahu's aspect on your 10th house can bring you new job opportunities. Ketu in the 8th house will bring occult knowledge and experiences. Here, Ketu will alleviate fears, especially around death, because your focus is more on material things. It can also make you more detached towards your partner's finances and their family.
On the 28th of November 2023, the north and south node will transit backwards into your 1st and 7th house. Rahu in your Ascendant can give you a tremendous ego boost, so be careful when dealing with other people. Especially marriage and relationship problems can occur during this transit as Ketu can cause distance and less focus on your significant other. Your focus will instead be on your own person and massive changes can take place in your life. This transit gives you more drive and passion to start a new cycle in your life. Also, you could be letting go of some friends with whom you do not share the same wavelength anymore. During this transit you will have beneficial results from foreign lands and connections! Some unexpected events can take place with your children or concerning progeny (like an unexpected pregnancy).
As always, these predictions are general and may vary according to your personal birth chart and the planetary period that you are currently in!