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The Power of Numbers

Autorenbild: zaarazen999zaarazen999

Aktualisiert: 22. Juni 2019

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The first time i started to see 1111 pop up literally everywhere I looked was about seven or eight years ago. It was a time when I changed some major things in my life and increasingly started to tune inwards, asking my Higher Self for guidance.

The first thing I did when I continually noticed this number sequence was, of course, search the net like a maniac for a clue what this could mean. I have always been a little bit different than most people I knew and I had the feeling that this actually was no coincidence and that it had to have a deeper meaning. And it has!

What I found out then was that 1111 was kind of a gateway, a portal opening into a higher frequency, a higher level of consciousness that I was suddenly granted access to. It had to do with my growing connection with my soul that i had started around that time (mostly through Yoga and energy work, and mainly due to the intention to connect with my Self).

From then on it went wild. Once I understood the meaning of this number sequence, I started to see triple numbers, mainly 666 at first. This really freaked me out as we had learned this is the number of the beast - if we can trust Iron Maiden ... and the Bible. :)

Soon I started to see more number sequences and I continued my research. Moreover, my spirituality has grown ever since and my connection to my Self and my intuition have increased.

Today I know that these number sequences (especially triples and quadruples) are signs from my Spirit Guides. It's a way they are communication with us - if we are open to see it.

Below, I have added a list of common number sequences and their meaning as experienced by many people, as a reference. Take these as a starting point and add your personal meaning to them as you like:

111 or 1111: this is the number of manifesting, of new beginnings; monitor your thoughts and think positively as you are manifesting quickly

222 or 2222: this is a reminder to keep up your positive attitude and good work;

make sure you are balanced

333 or 3333: you are guided and protected by Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters;

ask them for guidance (that's what they are here for)

444 or 4444: you have nothing to fear, everything will turn out well;

keep working towards your goals, your angels are helping you

555 or 5555: major life changes are ahead - be prepared; your true life purpose is waiting

new freedom and opportunities await

666 or 6666: really really bad omen (just kidding)

actually you might have a lack mentality (focussing on what's missing in your life, mostly money or love);

keep focused on the positive things (you know, law of attraction);

keep your thoughts balanced

777 or 7777: this is the manifestation number, meaning wishes are actually coming true due to your hard (spiritual) work; expect miracles!

888 or 8888: seeing this number sequence means prosperity and abundance are coming to you; enjoy your rewards! you're living your life purpose

999 or 9999: you are a lightworker, here to uplift others with your energy and wisdom;

shine your light brightly!

That said, keep your eyes (especially the third) open for signs from your Spirit Guides!

Love & light to y'all!



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