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ARIES - Predictions for 2023 (Vedic Astrology)

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In 2023, all four slow moving planets are changing sign (and house) which will lead to significant changes in all of our lives.

SATURN moved into its own Moola Trikona sign of Aquarius on Jan 17th and is very strong and auspicious here. This happens in your 11th house of friendship circles, income and wish fulfillment. Remember, Saturn brings rewards if you put in the effort and the hard work. So you will have new job opportunities or expand an existing one which will lead to a slow but steady increase in income as well (just have patience!). Also, you could be sorting out your friends; you maybe have parted ways with some old ones and gained new ones. In any case, the friends you meet now are here to stay.

Saturn's aspect on the 1st house will give you more discipline and fortitude in all matters of life as well as change your health routine in a positive way. Its influence on the 5th house can be auspicious for progeny but be careful when it comes to risks and gambling! The aspect on the 8th house however can bring you unexpected money from inheritances, investments or insurances. Also, any chronic illness that you might suffer from will be relieved with the influence of strong Saturn - especially with hard work and patience!

JUPITER will be in your 12th house until April 2023. Here, it boosts withdrawal for spiritual practices and higher knowledge, any kind of private study and traveling. The aspects of Jupiter greatly improve your home life or housing situation but can also bring trouble and competition in your workplace. You might be prone to minor health issues which should get better in April when Jupiter changes house. Until April you should be very careful with your expenses as they might stack up and lead to unwanted debts.

When Jupiter moves into your 1st house on the 22nd of April 2023, it will give you a lot of opportunities for growth and healing. You will be very optimistic, travel a lot and enjoy life in a better way. Jupiter will be in conjunction with Rahu here until November which can make you a bit risky but also increases good opportunities, especially at work, in money matters and for romance.

RAHU and KETU in your 1st and 7th house will bring your focus on yourself - be careful not to neglect your partner here! Rahu in the 1st house will bring you a lot of opportunities to change your life if you are up for the challenge. The aspect on the 5th house brings more importance to children but also can bring you speculative gains. Rahu's aspect on the 9th house can lead to changes concerning your father (not necessarily in a bad way) and you can benefit from foreign lands. The influence of Ketu in your 7th house makes you more independent and clears out relationships (also friendships and business partnerships) that no longer serve your highest good.

On the 28th of November 2023, the north and south node will transit backwards into your 12th and 6th house. Rahu in the 12th house brings very unusual and vivid dreams as well as some insecurity and the feeling of being lost. It is important to listen to your own inner guidance system rather than to what other people say! Also, take care of your expenses as Rahu can bring you into the mood of spending a lot of money. As Rahu as well as the 12th House represent foreign lands, there might be overseas travel for you. If you are a creative or spiritual person, it will bring you good personal development too, as you might put your focus more into other realms. With Rahu's aspect on the 4th house there might be issues at home or with your mother. Also, the aspect on the 8th house is beneficial for occult and mystical studies and can support secrets of any kind. Inheritance is possible for some people. Ketu in the 6th house can cause situations with enemies but makes you emotionally detached, as your focus lies with Rahu in the 12th house. Be careful about your health and try to apply a more holistic approach because Ketu can mean that possible illnesses are not detected. Also, Ketu makes you work very hard and diligently when it is transiting your 6th house.

As always, these predictions are general and may vary according to your personal birth chart and the planetary period that you are currently in!



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