Today, on the 1st of August 2019, we have a new moon in Leo. This is all about inner strength and fiery passion - basically the attributes that we apply to the zodiac sign of Leo. This new moon especially invites us to be confident and express our true authentic self to the world. If you think you have something to show off about yourself - now's the time for it! Get yourself into the spotlight and enjoy being the unique, fantastic person that you are! This powerful lion energy loves itself - and so should you!
The New Moon in Leo Tarot Spread:
I have come up with a tarot spread for this new moon covering the following questions:
1. Where am I right now? What is my current energy?
2. How can I express myself more authentically?
3. What is my true passion?
4. Where am I giving my power away?
5. How can I gain more confidence?
6. What can I let go of?
7. What should I live more?
And here are this new moon's spreads for all the elements:
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius):

You are in your element fire signs! There is lots of creative energy flowing and new ideas popping up for you!
You know your true self - you know who you are and what you want and are not afraid to express yourself authentically. What you can do tho is to connect more with your intuitive side and choose to be the best version of yourself (cause you're already really out there).
Your true passion is to rebuild your foundations: you've got plenty of ideas and dreams that you're already taking action on. Go for it - make your dreams come true!
The only area you are giving too much power away is your drive, your hard work; allow yourself to rest from time to time and don't forget about your well-being.
As you are very confident already fire signs, you could connect with your emotions in a better way.
Let go of power struggles and competitiveness; just let your life flow. Focus on your dreams instead and follow your heart's desires!
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):

Your current energy is one of hard work earth signs (surprise! 😂). You're definitely in your element (as well as with the fire signs) in this moon phase!
What you can do to express yourself more authentically is to don't give a flying f*** what others think of you. Change your perspective - towards YOU! That's all that matters in the end.
Your true passion is, of course, to burden yourself: by hard work, by being perfectionistic, by overthinking, by taking on too much responsibility. Stop that!
You're giving way too much power away by all these (self-imposed) burdens. Ground yourself on a regular basis (you are after all earth signs), nurture yourself and take your well-being seriously.
The best way you guys can gain more confidence is by trusting your intuition 100% - it's spot on! The one thing you can let go of is your perfectionism. Love yourself more and have more fun while doing things instead of striving for perfection in everything you do!
All in all, a change of perspective might do you good - put more focus on yourself and flow with life!
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):

You're coming into this new moon phase with a sense of stability and financial security, you're generally feeling abundant.
That's exactly how to express yourself more authentically - by being in harmony with yourself, by feeling secure and stable.
Your greatest passion air signs: yourself! You love to pamper and nurture yourself and enjoy your well-being to the fullest.
That's exactly the way to do it: gain more confidence by caring for yourself and by standing firmly for what you believe in!
Just don't resist any change that you're going through at the moment and embrace it for your greater good.
You're on the right path ... you stand strong in your truth, take good care for yourself and enjoy yourself!
Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):

You've been working hard water signs, and an end of the hard times is in sight!
The time when you express yourself most authentically is when things get shaky: you are very emotional signs, and there's no hiding when the tower moment hits. That's you're strength as well (major transformations of your self) cause you adapt to changes like water (hah!), you just go with the flow.
Your passion (don't shoot me now please) is to complain about the things that don't go as planned. You tend to see the negative things stand out and get a little down about them, at least in this moon phase.
That's where you're losing energy tho! Try to focus on the good these next weeks and don't even look at what's not coming to fruition.
To gain power and confidence now means to heal past hurts, move on from grief and focus more positively! Express yourself fully to the world now, in all your emotional vulnerability and with your incredible intuition! Keep your focus on your dreams & goals - and stay positive guys!
All the best and lots of love for this new moon phase to all of you out there!
Don't forget to set your new Intentions for this powerful new moon!
Be blessed!