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SCORPIO - Predictions for 2023 (Vedic Astrology)

Autorenbild: zaarazen999zaarazen999

In 2023, all four slow moving planets are changing sign (and house) which will lead to significant changes in all of our lives.

SATURN moved into its own Moola Trikona sign of Aquarius on Jan 17th and is very strong and auspicious here. Saturn in your 4th house can bring hard work at home like renovations or repairs but also your mother could need your support. It's all about where you feel at home and how you can be more comfortable. Saturn definitely brings more stability with effort and patience. Saturn's aspect can bring health concerns but also brings long-term solutions especially involving your nutrition. At work, this transit can cause pressure and changes but will get easier over time. Especially job changes can prove positive for you!

JUPITER will be in your 5th house where it brings creative self expression and it supports your children as well as your education. Your focus will go towards speculation, higher philosophies of life and your personality. Jupiter can bring you new job opportunities as well as ease existing illnesses. Be careful not to over-indulge (especially sweets) as this could have an especially negative effect on your health and weight right now. Jupiter in the 5th house can bring opportunities for romance and meeting new friends.

When Jupiter moves into your 6th house on the 22nd of April 2023, it brings either more financial gains or more debts. It will try to bring peace with enemies and protect you in this respect. In terms of health, there might be sudden issues that appear and cause some stress but Jupiter helps you get rid of any health problems. Be careful with nutrition as Jupiter in the 6th house can cause some digestive issues and make sure you take measures to reduces stress levels (Yoga, meditation, etc.)! Also, you might get a pet during this transit. The conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu in your 6th house (April to November) will cause you to work harder and may bring new job opportunities. With its aspects, Jupiter is beneficial for your work (new job or enhancing your current work), family and financial security. Spiritual practices and beliefs are very beneficial for protecting you at this time.

RAHU and KETU will be in your 6th and 12th house. Rahu in the 6th house helps you win over enemies and can bring unusual healing methods if you suffer from illnesses. It can also bring unexpected gains (depending on your birth chart). Be careful with building too many debts, as this could easily happen. Also, Rahu will make you focus on everyday work and you might be dealing with foreign or unusual people. Be careful with any sort of possible poisoning (from food, animals, medicine, etc.)! You will be able to focus on your financial security and offer support for family members. Ketu in the 12th house will connect you to other realms, to dreams and the subconscious mind, even though your focus is on other things at the moment. You will be able to get deep insights and find out secrets during this transit. Expenses will be diminished when Ketu is in your 12th house.

On the 28th of November 2023, the north and south node will transit backwards into your 5th and 11th house. Rahu in the 5th house brings your focus onto your children but be careful not to be too controlling! Also, unexpected pregnancies or unusual births (twins, c-section) are possible. You will come across new opportunities as your creativity is enhanced during this transit and there might also be more romantic encounters. However, Rahu can guide you towards illusions so be careful with speculation of any kind and with new people that come into your life (they might disappear as quickly as they appeared). Rahu's aspects will bring you more drive and energy, spiritual pursuits, travels and independence. Ketu in the 11th house will move you away from groups and networks putting more focus on one-on-one time with people who are dear to you. Also, there might be cutbacks in income as you will be more interested in being creative than gaining money or fame.

As always, these predictions are general and may vary according to your personal birth chart and the planetary period that you are currently in!



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