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TAURUS - Predictions for 2023 (Vedic Astrology)

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In 2023, all four slow moving planets are changing sign (and house) which will lead to significant changes in all of our lives.

SATURN moved into its own Moola Trikona sign of Aquarius on Jan 17th and is very strong and auspicious here. This happens in your 10th house of career and reputation. Saturn will make you work very hard this year but it will definitely pay off. There can be an extra load of work and problems with superiors but patience will help you get through this. However, Saturn can also bring about changes at work and you might start something completely new this year.

Saturn's aspect on the 12th house will make you very careful with expenses. Generally, you will prefer to stay at home than to go out and you might want to withdraw from the world a little more than usual. This influence however makes you study and research more intensely in case you undergo any education or course. Saturn also influences your 4th house and can bring changes and íssues at home as well as with your mother. You might be faced with renovations or hard work around the home and might even change location. The aspect of Saturn on the 7th house brings you into your responsibility for your partnerships. Your spouse might need your support more than usual right now or you might get into a new kind of commitment like a new stable relationship or a marriage.

JUPITER will be in your 11th house until April 2023. Here, it can give you recognition and success concerning your desires and goals. As Jupiter is the Lord of your 8th house of transformation and death, success will come at the cost of leaving something behind (e.g. an old job or relationship). There may well be an increase of income for some people as well. Additionally, Jupiter in this transit is beneficial for your friendships and the relationship with your older siblings. With its aspect on the 3rd house it will give you more drive and courage as well as exceptional communication skills. Jupiter's aspect on the 5th house is very beneficial for your children or if you want to start a family. There is also an aspect on your 7th house of relationships, so there might be a new beginning for some people or a new, more positive mindset as far as love is concerned. This also applies to business partnerships or self-employment.

When Jupiter moves into your 12th house on the 22nd of April 2023, it will boost withdrawal for spiritual practices and higher knowledge, any kind of private study and traveling. The conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu from April to November can bring your focus on foreign lands or the internet which may prove to be very beneficial to you concerning work, money matters and even love. The aspects of Jupiter may cause unexpected transformations concerning your home life or housing situation but can also bring trouble and competition in your workplace. With Jupiter in the 12th house you should be very careful with your expenses as they might stack up and lead to unwanted debts but Saturn's aspect will make you more responsible in that respect (for the most time).

RAHU and KETU will be in your 12th and 6th house until November 2023. Rahu in the 12th house brings very unusual and vivid dreams as well as some insecurity and the feeling of being lost. It is important to listen to your own inner guidance system rather than to what other people say! Also, take care of your expenses as Rahu can bring you into the mood of spending a lot of money. As Rahu as well as the 12th House represent foreign lands, there might be overseas travel for you. If you are a creative or spiritual person, it will bring you good personal development too, as you might put your focus more into other realms. With Rahu's aspect on the 4th house there might be issues at home or with your mother. Also, the aspect on the 8th house is beneficial for occult and mystical studies and can support secrets of any kind. Inheritance is possible for some people. Ketu in the 6th house can cause situations with enemies but makes you emotionally detached, as your focus lies with Rahu in the 12th house. Be careful about your health and try to apply a more holistic approach because Ketu can mean that possible illnesses are not detected. Also, Ketu makes you work very hard and diligently when it is transiting your 6th house.

On the 28th of November 2023, the north and south node will transit backwards into your 11th and 5th house. Rahu in the 11th house makes you socially very active and wanting to expand your friends circle. You should be careful though, as Rahu can bring illusions and many friendships that you are forming now can be short-lived only. Rahu in the 11th house brings you new opportunities for money, often unexpectedly so you might need to act quickly. This is a good time for a new job or for self-employment! With its aspect on the 3rd and 7th house you will also focus on younger siblings and on your love relationship in a stronger way. Ketu in the 5th house can cause your kids to have problems; similarly, it can be hard to procreate during this transit. Some of you might experience a sense of dullness when it comes to their studies and education, although higher education and consciousness may get a boost for others.

As always, these predictions are general and may vary according to your personal birth chart and the planetary period that you are currently in!



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