Please make sure you are referring to your VEDIC (sidereal) ascendant or moon sign and not the western (tropical) signs! Click here if you want to calculate your Vedic birth chart: https://www.anahitarao.com/vedic-birth-chart-calculator/
Saturn in Capricorn / 10th House:
Since July 12th, Saturn has been going retrograde into Capricorn. Whenever Saturn goes retrograde into the final grades of a sign it brings completion and finalizations concerning the themes of the house it transits. In your case, this concerns the 10th house and brings topics around career, rewards and public matters back to the forefront in order to be solved. These themes need to be revisited and completed in a sense. Saturn forces us to take more responsibility or brings rewards if you have put in the effort.
In the 10th house, Saturn can bring changes or difficulties around your job. Also, your reputation might suffer during this transit. With its aspect on the 4th house, Saturn can also bring changes around your home situation (like a move or renovation at home) as well as problems with your mother. Expenses can be increased during this time and there is a foreign influence that can be manifested as travels or visit from foreign friends. The aspect of Saturn on the 7th house can bring difficulties in your relationship and will lead to definite decisions which can go both ways (new relationships, marriage or endings).
Rahu in Aries & Ketu in Libra / 1st House & 7th House
Rahu in your Ascendant can give you a tremendous ego boost, so be careful when dealing with other people. Especially marriage and relationship problems can occur until the end of 2023 as Ketu can cause distance and less focus on your significant other. Your focus will instead be on your own person and massive changes can take place in your life. This transit gives you more drive and passion to start a new cycle in your life. Also, you could be letting go of some friends with whom you do not share the same wavelength anymore. During this transit you will have beneficial results from foreign lands and connections! Some unexpected events can take place with your children or concerning progeny (like an unexpected pregnancy).
Jupiter in Pisces / 12th House:
Jupiter in its own sign gives a lot of optimism and a broad mind in general. In the 12th house it additionally raises your interest for spirituality and can bring you a Guru, teacher or mentor. Vivid dreams and some sleeplessness is also possible during this transit. The 12th house also signifies distant lands and can cause you to travel. This is also a good time for education and studies as your mind will be opened and gives positive results concerning your home and your inner contentment. There might be minor health issues that pop up but generally speaking a strong Jupiter brings support to chronic illnesses due to its aspect on the 8th house. For some people also an inheritance is possible.
Jupiter goes retrograde from 29th July to 24th November. During this time it is advisable for you to focus on spiritual practices such as Yoga, meditation, etc. and contribute to social welfare in any way possible.
Sun in 4th & 5th House:
The Sun in your 4th house will bring you good times at home and focus on your property. You might want to renovate your house or spend more time at home to feel inner peace. Your mother can become increasingly important to you during this transit.
On August 17th, the Sun will transit into your 5th house in its own sign of Leo where it will bring more fun into your life! Your focus is on children, entertainment, romance and hobbies. This is also a good time for studies and education.
Mars in 1st & 2nd House:
Generally speaking, Mars in its own Moola Trikona sign of Aries gives a huge amount of energy and power as well as creative ideas and new beginnings. In your 1st house it will lead to more courage, drive and passion. This can also enhance your love life and relationships of any kind. However, be careful with your communication as you might be inclined to be a bit aggressive. Also, watch out concerning cuts, bruises and burns as there is an increased potential for accidents!
On August 11, Mars will transit into your 2nd house and will greatly support your family and finances. You will fight for what's important to you and you will put a lot of energy in security matters. Be careful with your words though, as Mars can make your communication a little aggressive!
Mercury in 5th & 6th House:
In your 5th house, Mercury can bring a good time for intellectual and creative stimulation. You can use this time to educate yourself about topics that interest you or come up with creative ideas. Also, you may find it easier to communicate your feelings.
On August 21, Mercury will transit into your 6th house. Here, Mercury will help you in organising your work duties and you will be very detailed in what you do. You will love what you do and communication should flow easily with colleagues and clients. Your focus will be on your health as you might be extra nervous or fearful during this transit. Eat healthy food and practice meditation to calm your mind!
Venus in 3rd & 4th House:
In the 3rd house, Venus can bring a lot of good conversations and short trips. Your relationship with your neighbours and siblings will be enhanced during this transit. Venus in the 3rd house can also boost your artistic interest and skills.
On August 7, Venus will transit into your 4th house where it can bring more luxuries and a great time at home or among family members. Your focus will be on romance and you should surround yourself with beautiful things or go out into nature.
Please keep in mind that these are general interpretations and transits make up only 20% of an astrological prediction, not taking into account your individual birth chart and your personal planetary periods (Maha- and Antar-Dashas)!