Please make sure you are referring to your VEDIC (sidereal) ascendant or moon sign and not the western (tropical) signs! Click here if you want to calculate your Vedic birth chart: https://www.anahitarao.com/vedic-birth-chart-calculator/
Saturn in Aquarius / 9th House:
Saturn in its own Moola Trikona sign can give rewards concerning education, faith and belief systems. It's a good time to invest in spiritual activities and there may be major changes in your beliefs and in your faith. This time makes you extra curious and will urge you to learn more about spirituality and philosophical topics. Be careful with quitting any sort of studies or education, as Saturn only visits your 9th house for a short time and then goes back to the 8th house, bringing you possible financial problems if you change what you're doing now. Saturn will go fully into your 9th house from January 2023 onwards. Then will be a good time to change your life path course! Additionally, Saturn in the 9th house might bring you good advice from mentors but could also lead to problems with your father or for your father's health - the same can apply to your siblings if you have any. Saturn's aspect on your 11th house can give problems or unhappiness with your income or friends. Also be careful with travels as they could be delayed! Any sort of work might seem tiring to you at the moment, but hang on in there it!
Rahu & Ketu / 11th House & 5th House
Rahu in the 11th house makes you socially very active and wanting to expand your friends circle. You should be careful though, as Rahu can bring illusions and many friendships that you are forming now can be short-lived only. Rahu in the 11th house brings you new opportunities for money, often unexpectedly so you might need to act quickly. This is a good time for a new job or for self-employment! With its aspect on the 3rd and 7th house you will also focus on younger siblings and on your love relationship in a stronger way.
Ketu in the 5th house can cause your kids to have problems; similarly, it can be hard to procreate during this transit. Some Geminis might experience a sense of dullness when it comes to their studies and education, although higher education and consciousness may get a boost for others.
Jupiter in Pisces / 10th House:
Jupiter in its own sign gives a lot of optimism and a broad mind in general. In the 10th house it brings more concentration on career and reputation. Also, your financial security plays an important role in this transit. If the constellations in your birth chart are positive in this respect, you can be a lot more financially secure by either being able to pay off debts or by taking out a loan. With the aspect of Jupiter on the 2nd house family will be very important for you as well. There will be beneficial times with your loved ones and you will get a lot of support from them. With its 7th aspect Jupiter can bring expansion into your housing situation and vehicles (new home, renovation, new car, etc.). With the focus onto your 10th house you have to be careful not to neglect your home life and your time to relax as things might get stressful at the job! Additionally, be careful with your nutrition as there might be digestive problems for some Geminis,
Sun in 12th & 1st House:
The Sun in your 12th house will put the focus on your internal being. This might be a time of introspection and emotional cleansing. Also, you could feel a bit out of energy so it's even more important to recharge your batteries. Spiritually, this transit is very beneficial to you and can provide you with clarity and insights about yourself or the universe as a whole. Spiritual practices such as Yoga and meditation might help you during this transit.
On June 15th, the Sun will move to your 1st house and will bring your focus onto yourself and will give you more courage, energy and confidence. Your health and communication skills will get boosted here.
Mars 10th & 11th House:
With Mars in the 10th house there can be a lot of courage and determinism. There is much to do work-wise, and it will pay off when Mars moves on into your 11th house.
On June 27th, Mars will transit into your 11th house, where it will bring recognition due to courage and will bring your focus on income, friends and the fulfillment of your personal goals. Conflicts with older siblings or friends is also possible during this transit. You might want to do some humanitarian work or follow through on inventive ideas.
Mercury in 12th House:
This transit will generally bring you a lot of introspection and possibilities of deep inner transformation. As Mercury will be going direct again on June 3rd, any kind of communication and travel will be smoother than before.
Venus in 11th & 12th House:
Venus in the 11th house will give bliss through friends and group activities. Also, charitable activities are possible during this time. This period can also prove positive for your income.
On June 18th, Venus will transit into your 12th house. This transit will give you increased intuition and compassion for others. For love, it might be a very private time for you and your partner or you may even spend more time alone.
Mars & Jupiter in 10th House: (1st - 7th June)
This conjunction in the first week of June is very good for education and learning, and especially for spiritual evolution. In the 10th house, it can prove positive for any work-related subject. This conjunction can boost your business and improve your competitive skills, but be careful with conflicts at work or with authorities! This is also a good time to increase your relationships with your loved ones especially partners and friends.
Venus & Rahu in 11th House: (12th - 19th June)
Rahu can make you very zealous and focussed on everything that has to do with love and relationships. In the 11th house, this powerful conjunction can increase your income and any kind of speculative gains. Your competitive mood will get an enormous boost during this transit and you will likely work hard on improving your income or fulfilling your personal goals.
Please keep in mind that these are general interpretations and transits make up only 20% of an astrological prediction, not taking into account your individual birth chart and your personal planetary periods (Maha- and Antar-Dashas)!