Please make sure you are referring to your VEDIC (sidereal) ascendant or moon sign and not the western (tropical) signs! Click here if you want to calculate your Vedic birth chart: https://www.anahitarao.com/vedic-birth-chart-calculator/
Saturn in Capricorn / 6th House: Since July 12th, Saturn has been going retrograde into Capricorn. Whenever Saturn goes retrograde into the final grades of a sign it brings completion and finalizations concerning the themes of the house it transits. In your case, this concerns the 6th house and brings topics around health, conflicts and debts back to the forefront in order to be solved. These themes need to be revisited and completed in a sense. Saturn forces us to take more responsibility or brings rewards if you have put in the effort. Saturn in the 6th house might have caused you to change your job in the recent past and give health issues to your spouse. Now Saturn brings you the strength to revitalise yourself and heal, to settle any conflicts and helps you with finances and travel. Any business partnership that is formed now will prove beneficial long-term. Rahu in Aries & Ketu in Libra / 9th House & 3rd House Rahu in the 9th house sets your focus on foreign lands, long-distance travel and spirituality (or philosophy). You will have a yearning to learn and expand your mind and a change of mindset is more than likely! So any kind of study or education is very successful right now! But there can also be problems with teachers or your father as well, so be careful with your communication. The aspect on your 1st house will make you want to change your looks and your health as well. There is a possibility of your love life being enhanced and offspring is possible during this transit. Ketu in the 3rd house can bring you a period of not wanting to communicate as usual. Gossip and superficial conversations are a no-go during this transit, as your mind is focussed on learning and spiritual topics. As the 3rd house also stands for siblings, there could be a detachment from them. Be particularly careful with your communication during this time!
Jupiter in Pisces / 8th House: Jupiter in its own sign gives a lot of optimism and a broad mind in general. In the 8th house it brings a lot of transformation for Leos. You might feel unfulfilled concerning your finances or your love situation. Jupiter in the 8th house will make you plan for the future or change your exisiting plans immensely during this transit. The aspect onto the 12th house will be very beneficial for studies and occult interests. You will be able to concentrate and open your mind for deeper wisdom. With its aspect on the 2nd and 4th house, Jupiter can bring changes in your finances and home situation. An inheritance or sudden financial gains are quite likely. There will be an expansion in your home life; either you will move house, renovate or buy a new car.
Jupiter goes retrograde from 29th July to 24th November. During this time it is advisable for you to focus on spiritual practices such as Yoga, meditation, etc. and contribute to social welfare in any way possible. Sun in 12th & 1st House: Sun in the 12th house will put the focus on your internal being. This might be a time of introspection and emotional cleansing. Also, you could feel a bit out of energy so it's even more important to recharge your batteries. Spiritually, this transit is very beneficial to you and can provide you with clarity and insights about yourself or the universe as a whole. Spiritual practices such as Yoga and meditation might help you during this transit.
On August 17, the Sun will transit into your 1st house where it will bring your focus onto yourself and will give you more courage, energy and confidence. Your health and communication skills will get boosted as well.
Mars in 9th & 10th House: Generally speaking, Mars in its own Moola Trikona sign of Aries gives a huge amount of energy and power as well as creative ideas and new beginnings. In the 9th house, Mars can cause power struggles with authorities, your father or your teachers /mentors. You will also fight for your beliefs and could get into trouble with others for being opinionated. This is an intense time for spirituality and to fight for the good cause! On August 11, Mars will transit into your 10th house. Here, it can cause a lot of courage and determinism. There is much to do work-wise, and it will pay off when Mars moves on into your 11th house.
Mercury in 1st & 2nd House: This transit will generally boost your confidence and communication skills. You will be more curious than usual and you'll be overflowing with ideas. It is important to focus on what you want to not be distracted in too many directions.
On August 21, Mercury will transit into your 2nd house which will generally make you deal with your finances and family matters. During this transit you will be extra cautious and think long and hard about how you can provide security for yourself and your loved ones. Also, education and learning is beneficial for you at this time.
Venus in 11th & 12th House: Venus in the 11th house will give bliss through friends and group activities. Also, charitable activities are possible during this time. This period can also prove positive for your income.
On August 7, Venus will transit into your 12th house where it will give you increased intuition and compassion for others. For love, it might be a very private time for you and your partner or you may even spend more time alone.
Please keep in mind that these are general interpretations and transits make up only 20% of an astrological prediction, not taking into account your individual birth chart and your personal planetary periods (Maha- and Antar-Dashas)!