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VEDIC ASTROLOGY - ♓️ Pisces /July 2022

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Please make sure you are referring to your VEDIC (sidereal) ascendant or moon sign and not the western (tropical) signs! Click here if you want to calculate your Vedic birth chart:

Saturn in Capricorn / 11th House:

On July 12th, Saturn goes backwards into Capricorn. Whenever Saturn goes retrograde into the final grades of a sign it brings completion and finalizations concerning the themes of the house it transits. In your case, this concerns the 11th house and brings topics around income, friends and wish fulfillment back to the forefront in order to be solved. These themes need to be revisited and completed in a sense. Saturn forces us to take more responsibility or brings rewards if you have put in the effort.

In the 11th house, Saturn gives the opportunity for new or increased income. Be careful with any kind of investment and speculation now as it can lead to losses! If you have suffered from health issues, there will be progress but you have to need patience. You may lose some friends at this time, but there is a chance to find new ones who will be there long-term and with whom you share a deep soul bond.

Rahu in Aries & Ketu in Libra / 2nd House & 8th House:

Rahu in the 2nd house brings your focus onto financial security and your family. It is likely that you need to sort out your financial situation or support your family. Expenses can get high and you might need to cut them out as far as possible. This generally is a decluttering phase that will make you sort out things that no longer belong into your life. Also, some people might leave your life during this transit. Changing your health routine can be very beneficial for you now if you have suffered from health issues. Rahu's aspect on your 19th house can bring you new job opportunities.

Ketu in the 8th house will bring occult knowledge and experiences. Here, Ketu will alleviate fears, especially around death, because your focus is more on material things. It can also make you more detached towards your partner's finances and their family.

Jupiter in Pisces / 1st House:

Jupiter in its own sign gives a lot of optimism and a broad mind in general. In the 1st house it will bring you a lot of hope. You can come across a Guru, mentor or teacher of some sort who will give you good advice. It can make you over-indulge, so be careful with food and drink! Generally, your health will be good though as Jupiter supports you here. With its aspects, Jupiter supports pregnancy and child birth, education, relationships, travel and spiritual pursuits.

Sun in 4th & 5th House:

The Sun in the 4th house will bring you good times at home and focus on your property. You might want to renovate your house or spend more time at home to feel inner peace. Your mother can become increasingly important to you during this transit.

On July 17th, the Sun will transit into your 5th house. Here, it can bring bring more fun into your life! Your focus is on children, entertainment, romance and hobbies. This is also a good time for studies and education.

Mars in 2nd House:

Generally speaking, Mars in its own Moola Trikona sign of Aries gives a huge amount of energy and power as well as creative ideas and new beginnings. In your 2nd house it will greatly support your family and finances. You will fight for what's important to you and you will put a lot of energy in security matters. Be careful with your words though, as Mars can make your communication a little aggressive!

The conjunction of Mars and Rahu (especially intense at the end of July!) can bring tensions. Be especially careful with your communication when you speak to your family as you can come across a little aggressive. Also, watch out with what you eat. Mars and Rahu can bring problems in this matter.

Mercury in 4th & 5th House:

Mercury in the 4th house will make you think about family matters a lot. You could be coming up with solutions to existing problems but be careful not to base your decisions mainly on your emotions!

On July 17th, Mercury will transit into your 5th house. This is a good time for intellectual and creative stimulation. You can use this time to educate yourself about topics that interest you or come up with creative ideas. Also, you may find it easier to communication your feelings.

Venus in 3rd & 4th House:

Venus in your 3rd house can bring a lot of good conversations and short trips. Your relationship with your neighbours and siblings will be enhanced during this transit. Venus in the 3rd house can also boost your artistic interest and skills.

On July 13th, Venus will transit into your 4th house. Here, it can bring more luxuries and a great time at home or among family members. Your focus will be on romance and you should surround yourself with beautiful things or go out into nature.

Please keep in mind that these are general interpretations and transits make up only 20% of an astrological prediction, not taking into account your individual birth chart and your personal planetary periods (Maha- and Antar-Dashas)!



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