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VEDIC ASTROLOGY - ♓️ Pisces Ascendant & Moon - May 2022

Autorenbild: zaarazen999zaarazen999

Please make sure you are referring to your VEDIC (sidereal) ascendant or moon sign and not the western (tropical) signs! Click here if you want to calculate your Vedic birth chart:

Saturn in Aquarius / 12th House:

Saturn in its own Moola Trikona sign can give enormous achievements and success - if you have taken responsibility and put in the hard work! Saturn doesn't give anything for free, but it can be rewarding if you have learned your lessons. In the 12th house this mainly applies to your spiritual development and to foreign influences. This is a good time to turn your focus inwards and practice meditation as Saturn here can give you some stress. You should also be extra cautious with your diet and follow nutritional advice that you may get during this time. Saturn's aspect on your 9th house will make you serious about spiritual topics and studies.

Rahu & Ketu / 2nd House & 8th House

Rahu in the 2nd house brings your focus onto financial security and your family. It is likely that you need to sort out your financial situation or support your family. Expenses can get high and you might need to cut them out as far as possible. This generally is a decluttering phase that will make you sort out things that no longer belong into your life. Also, some people might leave your life during this transit. Changing your health routine can be very beneficial for you now if you have suffered from health issues. Rahu's aspect on your 19th house can bring you new job opportunities.

Ketu in the 8th house will bring occult knowledge and experiences. Here, Ketu will alleviate fears, especially around death, because your focus is more on material things. It can also make you more detached towards your partner's finances and their family.

Jupiter in Pisces / 1st House:

Jupiter in its own sign gives a lot of optimism and a broad mind in general. In the 1st house it will bring you a lot of hope. You can come across a Guru, mentor or teacher of some sort who will give you good advice. It can make you over-indulge, so be careful with food and drink! Generally, your health will be good though as Jupiter supports you here. With its aspects, Jupiter supports pregnancy and child birth, education, relationships, travel and spiritual pursuits.

Sun 2nd & 3rd House:

The exalted Sun in the 2nd house will bring your focus onto your finances. You will also focus on security and family life more than usual. There could be debts and expenses, fights within your family or family members struggling with illnesses. The Sun brings importance to your values and will make you support your family.

On May 15th, the Sun will enter your 3rd house. This will make you extra productive and will boost your communication skills. Your relationships will increase and you will be full of energy and drive during this transit.

Mars 12th & 1st House:

Mars in your 12th house will make you focussed on travel and spirituality. You might have very vivid dreams during this transit. Also, subconscious blockages or patterns can come to light in order to be acknowledged and healed. Be careful with your energies as Mars in the 12th house can deplete you easily.

On May 16th, Mars will transit into your 1st house. This transit greatly boosts your courage. You will get extra confidence and energy to take on projects and follow your desires. However, there could be headaches and you should be careful not to hurt yourself!

Mercury in 3rd House:

With Mercury in the 3rd house you will get a boost in your ideas, communication and learning skills. You might be a bit restless, having issues focussing on one thing and travel a lot. From May 10th onwards, communication, technology and travel might be prone to problems as Mercury is going retrograde. Depending on your birth chart and the planetary period you are running there will be either good or bad communication and travel issues during this transit.

Venus in 1st & 2nd House:

Venus being exalted in your 1st house means that you will want to pamper yourself and maybe improve your health and looks. Venus will make you very harmonious and diplomatic and your charms will be over the top. This is also a good time to find love or boost romance in an existing relationship.

On May 24th, Venus will transit into your 2nd house and can bring a lot of luxury and material comforts. Financial and relationship stability will be very important to you at this time. Be careful with eating as you might over-indulge.

Lunar Eclipse / 15th-16th May:

This eclipse will sort out your partner's finances or inheritances. You will get clarity in these matters which can bring more inner peace. Also, you can get supported by family members, especially siblings or cousins

Please keep in mind that these are general interpretations and transits make up only 20% of an astrological prediction, not taking into account your individual birth chart and your personal planetary periods (Maha- and Antar-Dashas)!



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