Please make sure you are referring to your VEDIC (sidereal) ascendant or moon sign and not the western (tropical) signs! Click here if you want to calculate your Vedic birth chart: https://www.anahitarao.com/vedic-birth-chart-calculator/
Saturn in Aquarius / 3rd House:
Saturn in its own Moola Trikona sign can give good results concerning your courage, siblings and travels. During this transit, communication problems and legal issues will be transformed for the better. Saturn supports you in finding long-term solutions and can bring you forward now on what you have been stuck. Foreign philosophies or religion will become very supportive for you in this month and long-distance travel will be possible. Some of you might face problems with your father, but they can be resolved with patience and thoughtfulness. As far as education is concerned, you will have to go the distance and hang on in there if you want to be successful, even if it seems tedious at the moment.
Rahu & Ketu / 5th House & 11th House
Rahu in the 5th house brings your focus onto your children but be careful not to be too controlling! Also, unexpected pregnancies or unusual births (twins, c-section) are possible. You will come across new opportunities as your creativity is enhanced during this transit and there might also be more romantic encounters. However, Rahu can guide you towards illusions so be careful with speculation of any kind and with new people that come into your life (they might disappear as quickly as they appeared). Rahu's aspects will bring you more drive and energy, spiritual pursuits, travels and independence.
Ketu in the 11th house will move you away from groups and networks putting more focus on one-on-one time with people who are dear to you. Also, there might be cutbacks in income as you will be more interested in being creative than gaining money or fame.
Jupiter in Pisces / 4th House:
Jupiter in its own sign gives a lot of optimism and a broad mind in general. In the 4th house it can make you move houses or renovate your home. Overall there will be a good relationship with your mother. Jupiter will bring increased interest in occult and supernatural topics. Also, your career will face a turning point within this 12-month transit: you will find your own path and make according changes to what makes you happy. Work from home is very likely for some of you. Jupiter can boost education but also your expenses! Travels and spiritual pursuits are likely during this transit.
Sun in 6th & 7th House:
The Sun in the 6th house will make you work hard, help others and focus on your health. Be careful not to work too much and reduce your stress levels! This is a good time for a new diet or for more sportive activities. If you have pets. they might require more support; it is also likely that you get a new pet during this transit.
On June 15th, the Sun will enter your 7th house and will put your focus on relationships, love and friendships. If you are struggling in a love relationship, there might be a solution to your problems coming up. It's a good time for dating or for spending time with your significant other. Business relationships are positively supported as well.
Mars in 4th & 5th House:
With Mars in your 4th house there might be power struggles at home. It can give you land and property as well during this transit. With its aspects, you will focus on love relationships, work, friends and social networks.
On June 27th, Mars will transit into your 5th house which will lead to good times, fun and an increased interest in sports. A lot of your energy will be put into children. Also, you might be prone to taking more risks during this time.
Mercury in 6th House:
Mercury will help you in organising your work duties and you will be very detailed in what you do. You will love what you do and communication should flow easily with colleagues and clients. Your focus will be on your health as you might be extra nervous or fearful during this transit. Eat healthy food and practice meditation to calm your mind! Communication, technology and travel will be better from 3rd of June onwards as Mercury will be going direct again.
Venus in 5th & 6th House:
Venus in your 5th house can bring romantic affairs and more creativity which you should definitely express. During this transit you will nurture your inner child and will also have a good relationship to your children. Also, there is an increased chance for you to get pregnant.
On June 18th, Venus will transit into your 6th house and can give beneficial results for your job. There will be a focus on harmony in your workplace and you will be able to contribute greatly to a job well done. In conflicts, you will shine with your diplomatic skills. Be careful with health, especially with food during this time!
Mars & Jupiter in 4th House: (1st - 7th June) This conjunction in the first week of June is very good for education and learning, and especially for spiritual evolution. In the 4th house, it can lead to renovation and expenses at home. The aspect of this conjunction onto the 10th house of career will boost your business or job situation, giving you long-term rewards. Be careful as there could be confrontation with your partner (love and business)! You might close the door on some friends or network circles as they are not on your wavelength anymore.
Venus & Rahu in 5th House: (12th - 19th June)
Rahu can make you very zealous and focussed on everything that has to do with love and relationships. In the 5th house, this conjunction can be beneficial for your income and wish fulfillment. It also boosts your creativity and focus on your children or on fun and entertainment. Be careful with romantic encounters and affairs as Rahu can bring illusions!
Please keep in mind that these are general interpretations and transits make up only 20% of an astrological prediction, not taking into account your individual birth chart and your personal planetary periods (Maha- and Antar-Dashas)!