Please make sure you are referring to your VEDIC (sidereal) ascendant or moon sign and not the western (tropical) signs! Click here if you want to calculate your Vedic birth chart: https://www.anahitarao.com/vedic-birth-chart-calculator/
Saturn in Aquarius / 4th House:
Saturn in its own Moola Trikona sign can give rewards concerning your home, your mother and your contentment. With Saturn in the 4th you will make huge changes to your living situation and to your work - your life will start to change in a big way (but Saturn will go back into the 5th house in July, so the full changes will be experienced from January 2023 to March 2025). Saturn's aspect on your 6th house will help to get rid of health issues and its aspect on your 1st house will help regain your energy. In career, you want progress and you'll start planning ahead.
Rahu & Ketu / 6th House & 12th House
Rahu in the 6th house helps you win over enemies and can bring unusual healing methods if you suffer from illnesses. It can also bring unexpected gains (depending on your birth chart). Be careful with building too many debts, as this could easily happen. Also, Rahu will make you focus on everyday work and you might be dealing with foreign or unusual people. Be careful with any sort of possible poisoning (from food, animals, medicine, etc.)! You will be able to focus on your financial security and offer support for family members.
Ketu in the 12th house will connect you to other realms, to dreams and the subconscious mind, even though your focus is on other things at the moment. You will be able to get deep insights and find out secrets during this transit. Expenses will be diminished when Ketu is in your 12th house.
Jupiter in Pisces / 5th House:
Jupiter in its own sign gives a lot of optimism and a broad mind in general. In the 5th house it brings creative self expression and it supports your children as well as your education. Your focus will go towards speculation, higher philosophies of life and your personality. Jupiter can bring you new job opportunities as well as ease existing illnesses. Be careful not to over-indulge (especially sweets) as this could have an especially negative effect on your health and weight right now. Jupiter in the 5th house can bring opportunities for romance and meeting new friends.
Sun in 7th & 8th House:
The Sun in the 7th house will put your focus on relationships, love and friendships. If you are struggling in a love relationship, there might be a solution to your problems coming up. It's a good time for dating or for spending time with your significant other. Business relationships are positively supported as well.
On June 15th, the Sun will enter your 8th house and will bring profound transformations into your life! It can also trigger your fears and shed a light on what can be healed within you. Privacy and time to withdraw yourself to do some inner searching will greatly benefit you during this time. This transit can bring hidden things to light, expose secrets and bring your focus on the occult and sexual matters.
Mars in 5th & 6th House:
With Mars in your 5th house there will be good times, fun and an increased interest in sports. A lot of your energy will be put into children. Also, you might be prone to taking more risks during this time.
On June 27th, Mars will transit into your 6th house where Mars can clear debts or can make you take out a loan. Any enemies will be defeated and they stand no chance to harm you. At work you will be more competitive and energetic than usual. Be careful because Mars makes it more likely that you hurt yourself (especially with knives or fire). Also, especially around the end of June, there can be increased quarrels with your partner.
Mercury in 7th House:
Generally speaking, any kind of communication with your partner (also business partner) will be supported. You might feel uncomfortable and insecure in larger groups but it is a good transit for taking on the role of mediator. In general, communication and travel will get better when Mercury goes direct again on 3rd of June.
Venus in 6th & 7th House:
Venus in your 6th house can give beneficial results for your job. There will be a focus on harmony in your workplace and you will be able to contribute greatly to a job well done. In conflicts, you will shine with your diplomatic skills. Be careful with health, especially with food during this time!
On June 18th Venus will transit into your 7th house which makes this time ideal for romantic get-togethers and partnerships! Your charms are irresistible and a new love might come into your life. If you are in an existing relationship you will spend more time together now. This is also auspicious for business partnerships and to make up with your friends.
Mars & Jupiter in 5th House: (1st - 7th June)
This conjunction in the first week of June is very good for education and learning, and especially for spiritual evolution. In the 5th house, it can have a good impact on a new job or a pay raise. You might also feel riskier than usual when it comes to investments and speculation, but be careful cause there could be losses! You might get financial support form your family but there could also be quarrels with your family (especially your husband).
Venus & Rahu in 6th House: (12th - 19th June)
Rahu can make you very zealous and focussed on everything that has to do with love and relationships. In the 6th house, this conjunction can bring health issues, trouble with your partner and even financial losses, so be careful here! Fortunately, this conjunction will be over very soon.