Please make sure you are referring to your VEDIC (sidereal) ascendant or moon sign and not the western (tropical) signs! Click here if you want to calculate your Vedic birth chart: https://www.anahitarao.com/vedic-birth-chart-calculator/
Saturn in Aquarius / 10th House:
Saturn in its own Moola Trikona sign can give enormous achievements and success - if you have taken responsibility and put in the hard work! Saturn doesn't give anything for free, but it can be rewarding if you have learned your lessons. In the 10th house this mainly applies to your workplace and reputation. Depending on your efforts, the results in these areas will be seen during the Saturn transit. In your job there will be a lot of hard work, responsibility and power but also problems with authorities (or your father) might occur. With the 7th aspect on the 4th house, Saturn can bring problems to your mother's health or hard work at home, involving responsibilities or expenses. Saturn's 10th aspect on the house of relationships can bring more responsibility into your love relationship - it's time to put in the effort if you want a long-lasting, stable connection.
Rahu & Ketu / 12th House & 6th House
Rahu in the 12th house brings very unusual and vivid dreams as well as some insecurity and the feeling of being lost. It is important to listen to your own inner guidance system rather than to what other people say. Also, take care of your expenses as Rahu can bring you into the mood of spending a lot of money. As Rahu as well as the 12th House represent foreign lands, there might be overseas travel for you until the end of 2023. If you are a creative or spiritual person, it will bring you good personal development too, as you might put your focus more into other realms. With Rahu's aspect on the 4th house there might be issues at home or with your mother. Also, the aspect on the 8th house is beneficial for occult and mystical studies and can support secrets of any kind. Inheritance is possible for some people.
Ketu in the 6th house can cause situations with enemies but makes you emotionally detached, as your focus lies with Rahu in the 12th house. Be careful about your health and try to apply a more holistic approach because Ketu can mean that illnesses are not detected. Also, Ketu makes you work very hard and diligently when it is transiting your 6th house.
Jupiter in Pisces / 11th House:
Jupiter in its own sign gives a lot of optimism and a broad mind in general. In the 11th house it can give you recognition and success concerning your desires and goals. As Jupiter is the Lord of your 8th house of transformation and death, success will come at the cost of leaving something behind (e.g. an old job or relationship). There may well be an increase of income for some people as well. Additionally, Jupiter in this transit is beneficial for your friendships and the relationship with your older siblings. With its aspect on the 3rd house it will give you more drive and courage as well as exceptional communication skills. Jupiter's aspect on the 5th house is very beneficial for your children or if you want to start a family. There is also an aspect on your 7th house of relationships, so there might be a new beginning for some people or a new, more positive mindset as far as love is concerned. This also applies to business partnerships or self-employment! Generally speaking, it's time to get out of your comfort zone Taurus!
Sun 12th & 1st House:
Sun in the twelfth house puts the focus on your internal being. This might be a time of introspection and emotional cleansing. Also, you could feel a bit out of energy so it's even more important to recharge your batteries. Spiritually, this transit is very beneficial to you as the Sun is exalted here at this time and can provide you with clarity and insights about yourself or the universe as a whole. Spiritual practices such as Yoga and meditation might help you during this transit.
On May 15th the Sun will enter your 1st house and will bring the focus on yourself: your character, your body and your personality. This will lead to a boost in energy, courage and confidence. This can also activate good health and vitality. Be careful with how you treat other people, as the Sun can make you overly confident and egoistic!
Mars 10th & 11th House:
Mars in the 10th house gives a lot of courage and determinism. There is much to do work-wise, and it will pay off when Mars goes into your 11th house.
In the 11th house (May 17th onwards), Mars brings a lot of energy into your friendship circle, networks and personal goals. You can achieve recognition through courage but also strife with older siblings or friends is possible. There might be a lot on new and unconventional ideas that you want to pursue.
Mercury in 1st House:
This transit will generally boost your confidence and communication skills. You will be more curious than usual and you'll be overflowing with ideas. It is important to focus on what you want to not be distracted in too many directions. Be especially careful from May 10th onwards as communication, technology and travel might be prone to problems during mercury retrograde!
Venus in 11th & 12th House:
With Venus exalted in the 11th house you will gain a lot of bliss through friends and group activities. Also, charitable activities are possible during this time. This period can also prove positive for your income.
On May 24th Venus will transit into your 12th house. This transit will give you increased intuition and compassion for others. For love, it might be a very private time for you and your partner or you may even spend more time alone.
Lunar Eclipse / 15th-16th May:
There can be a lot of stress with partners, in love or in business and some troubles on your mind in general. However, this eclipse will only affect you a few days and you will come out of it stronger and better.
Please keep in mind that these are general interpretations and transits make up only 20% of an astrological prediction, not taking into account your individual birth chart and your personal planetary periods (Maha- and Antar-Dashas)!